... Yeah, I guess I did.
Another video game fan art. This time, for Dragon Age: Origins. The great thing about that RPG is the level of individuality offered to each character. There are six different origins your character can start out from, depending on the race and class that you choose. That aside, whenever I build a character I form a bit of a story and personality for them which may or may not differ from their in game persona (this is especially true of games like Mass Effect, where you can customize the appearance but the voice is always the same and you only have choice of paragon or renegade personality). Building characters in this way you naturally form some attachment to them, and its no wonder you get so many drawings of OCs on the internet.
Anyway, this is my dwarf tank, Skadi Aeducan. Daughter of King Endrin Aeducan, she is a princess, but being a princess in a dwarven society ain't prissy (you can't see it in this picture, but her hair isn't pulled back, it's just boyishly short). Naturally, I had to give her some massive armor and a battle axe as big as she is. I really love the Aeducan origin. First of all, Gorim is awesome solely for the fact that he is voiced by Steve Blum. Known for a plethora of roles including Spike Spiegel, Urdnot Wrex, and Vincent Valentine, this man's voice is a close second in sex appeal to Brandon Keener, voice of Garrus Vakarian. Alos, there's nothing quite as dramatic (in a badass kind of way) as being betrayed and left to die in a game of political intrigue. And then showing up a couple months later. "Oh, hey guys. You thought I was dead? Oh, that's cool. Actually, I'm a big damn hero on the surface now."
Long story short, I've been playing Dragon Age, trolling the DA2 forums, and needed to get this out of my system. Same story as Trip from Enslaved.

Other Grey Wardens: Apollo Cousland, Rhea Amell, and Amanali Mahariel.
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