So, continuing my Grey Wardens project, here's number 4 out of 7 (that last number is subject to change... depending on how much fun I have with this). Honestly, I don't love the picture. I think the composition is boring, and I really didn't capture the smirky goodness the way that I hoped to. Instead it just looks like... a weird studio portrait. Y'know. Of an elf with tattoos on her face.
Speaking of the tattoos! They're just so much fun to paint. That's why all of my characters have facial tattoos. IMHO most of them are pretty ugly in game, but with this style of art they look great and they're my favorite part of the drawing process.
Other things. I'm proud of the shirt and the shading, and I'll bet you didn't even notice it. I was worried about how I would pull off the hair style with the weird little pieces. With any other color that would be easy, but black obscures form. So. I didn't quite use black, but almost black. That way I could include some subtle shadows. Did I mention the tattoos were fun?
Stock reference. ZOMG Star Trek to Dragon Age. Who knew?
Other Wardens: Apollo Cousland, Rhea Amell (black and white), and Skadi Aeducan.

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