Anyway. This is another Dragon Age fan art, my human mage Grey Warden. I've kind of been on a Warden-making spree the past couple of days, and it's really been a lot of fun. Naturally, I want to eventually draw all of them, just for the pride of it. 4 out of 7 done (the others being Skadi Aeducan, Apollo Cousland, and Amanali Mahariel). I'd like to hope I can do them all this week, but considering the amount of time this one alone took, that's not a very realistic goal. Still, we'll see.
This was an unusual approach for me, and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I started it as a drawing, but wanted it to be more than just grayscale, so I added color. I didn't want it to turn into a painting, so I did the next best thing: a poor attempt at cell shading. I'm brand-spanking-new to the technique, so if anyone would like to give me critique or pointers, I would be grateful. Obviously, the hair went a little overboard. Still, I'm happy with the way it turned out. And the eyes and teeth are just plain painted. Other than that... yeah. Not sure what else to say. Help plz.
Reference image.
(The following may not make much sense if you haven't played the game.) A little bit about Rhea Amell: angry Chantry-hater sums it up pretty well. She's always resented her captivity within the Circle and believes that magic should be free in all its forms- including Blood Magic. Naturally, she has trouble getting along with anyone who frequently exerts their faith in the Maker. She's not afraid of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, and has a lot of compassion for underdogs who live by that same code. She was thrilled to join the Wardens for the chance to live free of the Chantry, and is fiercely loyal to her new calling.
Watch for more Wardens. <3

Yo! I found you on DA, and just gotta say that you got a sweet, original style! :) so ill follow your blog, keep up the good work! :) like the asari fan art you did!