Ultimately, everything went better than expected. To date, every painting I have ever attempted without laying down a sketch first has resulted in disaster. This painting began to head south once I tried painting her other eye which was half hidden in shadows and hair, so I cropped it in real close to what I had finished and called it done. That means this picture is significantly smaller than what I'm used to producing, but oh well. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I think I'd like to experiment further with alternative color schemes. They're just so expressive and fun.
Also, Blogspot won't upload my picture for whatever reason, so you're going to have to deal with a small thumbnail. If you click on it you can see the full size. Enjoy!

wow, you are an amazing painter. and to think this was done quickly? You've got pure talent. The facial expressions and details are phenomenal... and the color scheme! Sorry, I don't know why I'm gushing over this one simple little piece so much, but it's wonderful. I'd love to see your other work! Hope to see (and read) more from you soon!