Anyway, it's me. I did this one intending to try and copycat my friend Ryan, because he has an incredibly beautiful style of linework, but... it failed. And just turned into a really fast sketch. Only about 45 minutes in this one, as opposed to the 3 hours I usually spend on a drawing. Doesn't even look that much like me, but that's my own fault for not investing enough time.
Would have liked to do more drawing today, but most of my free time was eaten up by tedious drawing 1 homework. Seriously. Tedious. I'll have more time to do artistic things tomorrow after my classes are over. Will probably do some MaD related stuff, since I'm having a friend come model some pose ideas for references.
Blargh. Vegetate tiem plz.

ReplyDeleteAnyway. I think this is a step up from your old sketches. Y'know, the old quick ones. So... Yeah. Is good and I totally knew it was you.
Also. STAR!!