I feel this one was immensely more successful than the disaster I churned out this morning. Obviously a rainbow color scheme isn't the brightest idea. I grabbed myself a copy of The New York Times on the way back from Drawing 1 tonight (perspective and shapes in perspective... UGH) and approached it the way I might have back in AP Art. My teacher was really into collage backgrounds, and let's face it, newspaper texture makes just about anything look better. I also implemented a few ideas spawned from the inspiration pictures I posted yesterday- messy paint, hand drawn designs to lead the eye, and overall a rougher, more painted look. I really like it. I'd like to continue in this direction and see where it leads. And as always, I'd appreciate your thoughts. Even if it's just encouragement, I'd like to see if the world agrees with me. (For those of you from AP, maybe a little Paige here?)
Last note- lyrics come from No Death in Love, from the soundtrack of Enslaved. Beautiful song, totally worth a listen if you have the time.
